Keeping a family of 100+ running smoothly is difficult. Each day the cooks prepare over 350 meals. Each day we have 89 children from kindergarten to college who venture out to 9 different schools in the area and anywhere from 15-20 kids who are still in diapers. Each day our laundry lady washes approximately 80 to 90 loads of laundry. Each day this is made possible by caring people who support us in our work here.
There are many things that happen on a daily basis to ensure that we provide a quality home to our children. The small everyday things really add up. We can not do it alone! If you are interested in becoming a general sponsor for Door of Faith, your contribution will be used for anything from electricity to emergency medical care.
Below are three practical needs you can sponsor with a one-time donation. Keep scrolling if you would like to learn about our recurring monthly sponsorship programs.
Child Sponsorship
​The Door of Faith sponsorship program offers a way for people to assist us in caring for our kids. Our program is designed to fulfill three significant needs:
It means a great deal to our kids when they know someone cares for them on the outside. We encourage sponsors to get involved with their child’s life by writing letters, sending cards and presents for their birthday and Christmas, and if possible visiting them. Though it is not required we welcome sponsors to build a personal relationship with their child.
This program helps with the day to day expenses of caring for these children. Every dollar that comes through the Sponsorship Program directly benefits kids. We are able to give our children life-altering opportunities such as higher education, three hot meals a day, regular medical attention, and a safe and stable environment to help them develop.
Our program provides the sponsor with a great deal of satisfaction. As a sponsor, you can make an impact in the life of a child here at Door of Faith. Very few people that get involved with Door of Faith leave unchanged.
**Occasionally, a child is placed back with their parents or adopted. If your child leaves Door of Faith, you will be notified and given the opportunity to sponsor another child or if you would like to you can commit to a general monthly donation which benefits the children as well.
1. A monthly donation of $35 or more.
2. Praying for their child
3. Sending a birthday card or gift
1. A picture and profile of their child
2. Individual updates 2-3 times a year
3. A birthday reminder a month in advance
To become a child sponsor: click the button below, select the box labeled "Child Sponsorship," set the donation frequency to "monthly" and proceed with your information. If you have a specific child you would like to sponsor please add their name in the notes when you make your donation. You will receive your welcome packet via postal mail within three weeks.

Like all other donations to Door of Faith, your monthly support is tax deductible.
-A sense of belonging for our kids
-Covering family expenses
-Long-term relationships for our sponsors
James 1:27 Club
You can help our kids to pursue their dreams and passions after High School by joining our James 1:27 Club. Members of this club commit to donating $27 a month to support our college students and in return receive exclusive monthly email updates with stories of either a current college student or a recent college graduate!
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
-James 1:27
In line with our focus on education, we actively work towards giving all of our children at least a high school level education, and we also support those who go on to college. We know that achieving a higher level of education is a key component to giving our children greater opportunities for gainful employment, learning life skills, and to avoid poverty. We are currently supporting around 20 students currently enrolled in University or vocational schools.
Transitioning into adulthood and college life is hard for any student, and this club allows us to show our kids they don't have to figure it out on their own. They have a team of people rooting for them and supporting them as they navigate their future.
If you would like to become a member of the James 1:27 club, click the button below, select the box labeled "James 1:27 Club," set the donation frequency to "monthly," and proceed with your information. After receiving your welcome email, you will receive a welcome packet via postal mail within three weeks.